6.10.2 Summer deactivation
In summer, the heating coil is switched off when the daily mean outdoor temperature (mea-
sured every hour between 6:00 and 22:00 hrs) is above the
Outdoor mean temperature
within a defined time period. If the summer deactivation is active, the heating coil is switched
off at 22:00 hrs for the next 24 hours, i.e. control signal Y1 = 0 % and pump output BA1 =
OFF. If the outdoor temperature falls below the set limit value, the heating coil control is en-
abled from 22:00 hrs for the next 24 hours, providing this is required from the times-of-use
or the operating mode switch.
Range of values
Date when summer deactivation is enabled
01.01 to 31.12
Date when summer deactivation is disabled
01.01 to 31.12
Outdoor mean temperature
18 °C
0 to 30 °C
Outdoor mean temperature can be read in the operating level in the outdoor tempera-
ture current reading by holding the enter key pressed down. The bar graph under the row of
numbers 1 to 24 indicates the number of already measured outdoor temperatures used to
calculate the mean temperature. The number in front of the mean temperature indicates
whether the Summer decativation is enabled (1) or disenabled (0).
6.10.3 Summer time operation
summer time operation
function runs in all systems that have a mixed air chamber and
outdoor temperature feedforward (Anl 2, Anl 4, Anl 8). When the outdoor temperatures ex-
ceed the limit value
Summer time operation when the outdoor temperature is greater, the
system is operated with a minimum outdoor air rate to avoid operation with 100 % outdoor
air. Summer operation can also be used in systems with cooling coil in which it is better to
prevent operation with just outdoor air at high outdoor temperatures for reasons of energy
Range of values
Summer time operation when the outdoor
temperature is greater:
22 °C
0 to 40 °C
EB 5477 EN
Control functions