Index revision : A
Actions following a fault
Action to be performed
1 - Program fault
The microcontroller is faulty.
If the problem persists, contact
2 - +24V power supply fault
Check power supply input on the module. It must
be 24 V DC (min. 21,6 V DC / max. 26,4 V DC).
5 - Voltage coherence fault
Check the operation by changing the barrel
If the problem persists, contact
17 - Absence of control mode fault
If the problem persists, check the condition of the
CAN connections between the PLC and the
21 - Bus power fault
The module delivers too much power or current at
the output to the barrel
Check connector G and the cable to the barrel
(High Voltage Unit Supply). Check the condition of
the barrel and its electrical contacts. None of
these components must be damaged. Change
the barrel.
22 - Safe shutdown fault
The module delivers too much current at the out-
put to the gun.
The gun is protected against electric arcs at the
HV output by this monitoring. Check connector G
and the cable to the barrel (High Voltage Unit Sup-
ply). Check the condition of the barrel and its elec-
trical contacts. None of these components must
be damaged. Change the barrel.
24 - Trigger request at startup
Check that the trigger is not activated at power
28 - Temperature fault
Check the ambient temperature as close as possi-
ble to the module. This temperature must not
exceed 40 ° C.
29 - HVU link fault
Check the cable connection and the cable to the
barrel. It must not be damaged. Check the
contacts of the circular connector G.
Check the connection of the HVU in the gun
30 - Internal BUS fault
The maximum level of the internal supply voltage
to the module has been exceeded.
If the problem persists, contact
32 - Injection fault
Check the air hose connections. Check the air
pressures and flow rates in and out of the module.
Check the injector of the CS 130.
33 - Dilution fault
Check the air hose connections. Check the air
pressures and flow rates in and out of the module.
Check the porous ring of the CS 130.
34 - Blowing fault
Internal electrode blowing valve is not correct, if
the problem persists contact
35 - Fluidisation fault
Internal fluidisation valve is not correct, if the pro-
blem persists contact
37 - Spray gun or projector connector fault
Check the circular connector G on the back of
the module