Index revision : A
Fault management
There are two types of faults:
• Resettable faults by fault acknowledgment.
• Blocking faults that require a restart of the +24V DC supply of the Inobox module.
Whatever the type of fault triggered, the regulation cuts off the high voltage and the
The Fault relay is controlled.
9.1. Faults list
Nr and Fault label
1 - Program fault
Microcontroller module fault. This fault requires a
power-on to be ressetted.
2 - +24V power supply fault
The in24VDC power supply may fail. it has
exceeded the authorized operating limits : 21 V < U
< 28 V. This fault requires a power-on to be resset-
5 - Voltage coherence fault
Voltage present on the bus without HV request. The
fault requires a power-up to be acknowledged.
HV request without voltage present on the bus. The
fault can be reset by acknowledgment of the fault
after a 10-second wait.
17 - Absence of control
mode fault
The CAN Communication is lost while the API is in
control mode. The fault can be reset by
acknowledgment of the fault
21 - Bus power fault
The output power of the module or the inverter cur-
rent has been exceeded.
Resettable by Fault Acknowledgment.
22 - Safe shutdown fault
The maximum high voltage current or the supply
current of the barrel has been excedeed .
Resettable by acknowledgment of fault.
24 - Trigger request at star-
The external high voltage/powdering control trig-
ger is controlled when the module is powered on.
Resettable by Fault Acknowledgement
28 - Temperature fault
Exceeding the maximum temperature (75°C) of the
internal power supply of the module. Resettable by
Acknowledge Default if the temperature has fallen
below 60°C.