Samba Prestige 2PK Manual Download Page 1



Congratulations for choosing the right model! Your new Prestige 2PK.


The model is a handmade product, carefully packed for your convenience.


Please check that all items ordered are included and not damaged during transportation.



A basic model includes:



3 wing sections (including GFK horns if no IDS is ordered)



1 fuselage with nose cone



1 rudder



1 Elevator



2 carbon joiner 6 degrees



2 pcs clevis couplers



Wire harness fuse with plastic holders for tip connection



4 plastic servo covers



2+2 screws for Elevator and Wing



Wing and fuse bag



Additionally you can order:



ballast set 



8 degree joiners (6 degree standard)



The model can be ordered fully assembled 
or partly


To complete a model you will need:



2 pcs +/-20g metal geared servos for the flaps. 



4 pcs 9-12g metal geared servos for fuse and tips. 



IDS from or alternately 8 clevises and 2mm threaded rods for 
the wings 



Motor, regulator and battery



Spinner and propeller in 30mm or 32mm according to your order



a high quality receiver 



epoxy to glue in the servos and thin cyano (CA) to secure clevises



strong clear tape (8-12mm wide) to join the wings and rudder to the fuselage



Assembling the wing:



Sand the surface of the servos and the servo trays where the servos will be glued



Connect the servos and the fuse harness to the respective channels on the 

receiver. Check that the aileron servo arms are set 90 degrees on the servo and 
that the transmitter also is set to neutral. Check that the flap servo arms are set 

identically to approximately 20 degrees (measured from the 90°-angle) towards 
the flap. The transmitter should later be set to an offset so that the flap servo 
arms are 90 degrees on the servos. With full butterfly the servo arms on the flaps 

are almost straight towards the flap. This ensures full deflection of the flaps for 
butterfly brake



Check again the servo settings and also set the offset of the flap servos. Check 
also that the servos move the right way



Mark where the servos will be glued in place by a pencil in the servo trays. Use a 
Dremel tool with grinder to open up the pushrod hole and the aileron/flap horn. 

Ensure that the servo arm is aligned (straight line) to the line defined by the hole 
in the subspar and the aileron/flap horn



Glue the aileron and flap horns. When using the IDS from the 

horns will be glued flush with the upper surface for both aileron and flaps. Mount 
the pushrod to the horn to ensure easy positioning while glue is settling. 

When not ordering the IDS there is fiberglass horns provided in the set.



Now are available IDS for 
IDS Typ MKS 6110 Foam Mono 

IDS Typ KST 08 Foam Mono (KST X08 H) 
IDS Typ MKS 75K Foam 
IDS Typ KST X10 Mini Foam 

IDS Typ MKS 6130 Mini Foam 
IDS Typ JRDS 181, JRDS 189 Foam 

