UAIS DEBEG 3400, Electronics Unit
ED3047G142 / 08 (2004-06)
Technical Manual
6 Repair/Maintenance
6.2 Test of the Antenna Performance
t_ue_e07.fm / 21.06.04
Indication: System Fault Message 3616 Displayed on Indicator
If the system fault message 3616 is displayed, it is likely that the problems are caused by the Analog
Interface if the AIS is connected via the Primary Display Port.
Check the configuration of the Analog Interface. See the Technical Manual of the RADARPILOT
1000 for further information.
Check the correct setting of the S1 and the jumpers of the Interface Assembly SH3014G203. S1
must be set to position 2. No jumpers should be connected to the pins 1...4. See the Technical
Manual of the RADARPILOT 1000 for further information.
Check the software version of the Analog Interface. The software version must be F or newer. To
check the software version, use the Telemonitoring Data menu of the System Maintenance
manager. The line for the Analog Interface must look as follows:
SIR10T GE3044P207 F
Test of the Antenna Performance
With newer versions of the Electronics Unit and by means of a DCU with a current software, it is possible
to measure the voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) of the VHF antenna. See the Technical Manual of
the DCU for further information about the operation of the menus.
The measured values have the following meaning:
- 1.0...1.5:
The antenna installation and cabling is good.
- 1.6...2.0:
The antenna installation and cabling (cabling laying, antenna position and connectors)
should be checked and improved.
Poor antenna installation