UAIS DEBEG 3400, Electronics Unit
ED3047G142 / 08 (2004-06)
Technical Manual
4 Functional Description
4.3 Description of the Components
t_ue_e04.fm / 21.06.04
Supported Sentences for the Long Range Port
Input sentences in compliance with IEC 61162-1/-2
Output sentences in compliance with IEC 61162-1/-2
Acknowledge to AIS transmitter status on/off
AISTXD (acknowledge to AIS transmitter status)
Report on a long range interrogation to the MKD
AISLRF (AIS long range function request)
AIS firmware version
AISVER (AIS version)
Sentence Identifier/Description
Long range interrogation:
- Type of request
- Geographic area request
- AIS unit request
LRI (Long range interrogation)
Long range function identification, Requester MMSI and Name
Request for:
- Ship’s name, call sign, IMO number
- Date and time of message composition
- Position
- Course over ground
- Speed over ground
- Destination and ETA
- Draught
- Ship/Cargo
- Ship’s length, breadth and type
- Number of persons on board
LRF (Long range function identification)
Sentence Identifier/Description
Long range function identification, MMSI and Name
- Ship’s name, call sign, IMO number
- Date and time of message composition
- Position
- Course over ground
- Speed over ground
- Destination and ETA
- Draught
- Ship/Cargo
- Ship’s length, breadth and type
- Number of persons on board
LRF (Long range function identification)
Sentence Identifier/Description