Sirius 800 Series User Manual
Enabling/Disabling Video/Audio Redundancy
Crosspoint Modules 10.6
Iss 5 Rev 7
Page 171
© 2017 SAM
10.6 Enabling/Disabling Video/Audio Redundancy
10.6.1 Video Redundancy
The video redundant crosspoint algorithm is enabled or disabled by using the Generic
Configuration Editor. See the Workbench manual for information on using the Generic
Configuration editor.
Nucleus2 Controller Navigate to:
Devices | Devices[1]: LocalRouterDevice | LocalRouterControl |
RouterSpecificControl: Sirius800Control | RedundantXpntControl |
Enable = True
Nucleus (2450) Controller Navigate to:
Control2450| CommonControl|RouterSpecificControl: Sirius800Control |
RedundantXpntControl | Enable = True
Select the required action from the drop down menu:
Redundant crosspoint algorithm enabled =
Redundant crosspoint algorithm disabled =
Sirius 850 single frame
: Enabling video redundancy will enable redundancy for
the main and expansion crosspoint modules in the router (if fitted).
Sirius 850 dual frame systems
: Enabling video redundancy in frame one will
enable redundancy for the main crosspoint modules mounted in frame one and the
expansion crosspoint modules mounted in frame two. The reverse is true for frame
two. In a dual frame system if redundancy is enabled in one frame it must also be
enabled in the other frame.
If video redundancy is enabled or disabled the configuration must be pushed by
Workbench to the controller for the new setting to take effect.
If the action on fail setting (see section 10.7) for video or audio needs to be
changed make these changes at the same time and only one push is then required.
In a dual controller system use the
Push Config to Controller(s)
button in
Workbench to make sure both controllers are set the same.