Sirius 800 Series User Manual
4929 Sirius 800 Audio AES/MADI Output with Audio Delay
Output Modules and Rear Panels 11.1
Iss 5 Rev 7
Page 179
© 2017 SAM
- Sample rate conversion is applied to all pairs in the MADI output stream rather
than individual channels. All pairs in the MADI stream will be synchronous to each
other and output at the same selected sample rate.
Supports conversion to: 48 kHz
Channels within a pair must be the same initial sample rate and synchronous to each
other. If they are asynchronous to each other then sample drop or repeat is used on
the right channel to match the left channel.
Pairs within an AES group or MADI output stream can be asynchronous to each other
and can be different sample rates to each other when they enter the sample rate
conversion process.
The output from the sample rate conversion can be locked to the AES reference input
or one of the four physical video reference inputs.
If no reference signal is present on the selected reference input all the SRCs on
the 4929 module using that reference input will be free running and independent
of any other module in the frame.
Dolby Signals
Dolby signals must be routed as a synchronous AES pair. The Dolby signal will
automatically bypass the SRC even if the pair is selected for sample rate conversion.
Any near rate reference locking is achieved by dropping or repeating Null samples in
the guard band.
Example SRC mode (AES)
SRC settings required to convert a group of eight AES pairs to 44.1 kHz locked to the AES
reference (See Figure 115 on page 178 for setting locations):
SRC Rate
: 44.1 K
SRC Reference
: Ref 5 (must be 44.1 kHz)
SRC Enable
: Checked
: Checked for each of the eight pairs
Example SRC mode (MADI)
SRC settings required to convert a MADI stream to 48 kHz locked to video reference 2 (See
Figure 116 on page 178 for setting locations):
SRC Rate
: 48 K
SRC Reference
: Ref 2
SRC Enable
: Checked
: Checked