Android Users
A notification should appear in a couple of seconds asking you to sign in
to the network. Click on the notification.
Otherwise, open a browser and enter the address
Components installation
your router’s Wi-Fi network as shown in
Pictures 6
Type in your Wi-Fi network password in both fields (
Picture 8
) and press
“Save”. You will get an installation confirmation
(Picture 9
After the confirmation the network will disappear from the list of networks
and the device you are using will seek for your home network again.
Test WLAN01
Test WLAN01
Test WLAN01
Test WLAN02
Test WLAN02
Test WLAN02
Test WLAN02
Test WLAN02
Test WLAN02
Test WLAN02
Test WLAN01
Picture 6
Picture 7
Picture 8
Picture 9