Tel: 886.2.2175 2930 Email: [email protected]
Menu or System
Option, Button or Knob
Default Setting
Voltage Probe Attenuation
0.00div (0.00V)
The following settings do not change when you push the DEFAULT SETUP button.
Language Option
Saved Settings
Saved Reference Waveforms
Display Contrast
Calibration Data
Multi-functional Knobs and Buttons
V0: Multi-functional knob. Under different menu options, it supports selecting menu
options (MEASURE), moving cursors and levels (Slope Trigger).
Press this knob to reset data (trigger holdoff, overtime of the overtime trigger and slope
trigger), select menu options and so on. Easy to operate.
F7: Push this button in single-window mode to switch between dotted line display and
cross display. Push it in dual-window mode to perform autocruise.
F0: Hide/Show button. Push it to hide the menu options on the right side of the screen and
give a full screen display of waveforms. Push it again to show the menu options.
F1-F5: These five buttons are all multi-functional. They are in charge of selecting
corresponding menu options on the screen in different menu modes. For example, in the
UTILITY menu, F1-F5 respectively correspond to ‘System Info’ – ‘Advance’.
F6: This functional button is mainly used to turn pages and confirm a selection, such as
‘next page’, ‘previous page’, and ‘press F6 to confirm’ appearing when you push Self
Calibration option.