Plays or pauses the current video clip in the Playback windows.
Forward Button
In Playback List Search, selects the next video clip in the list. In
Playback Thumbnail Search, selects the next thumbnail. In Play-
back Review Video, seeks to the end of the timeline.
LIVE VIEW: Takes a snapshot of the currently selected camera
PLAYBACK: In Playback Review Video and Playback List Search,
takes a snapshot of the current video playback. In Playback
Thumbnail Search, L will zoom in to the next set of time divis-
ible thumbnails within the selected thumbnail if possible. If
zooming in is not possible, L will take a snapshot of the selected
ALARM VIEW: Takes a snapshot of the Live View tile of the cur-
rently selected Event.
: Snapshots are automatically saved to the Documents
folder of the current Windows user. (e.g. C:\User-
s\<user>\Documents\Salient Security Platform\CompleteView
2020\Desktop Client)
ALARM VIEW: Exports the Playback video clip of the currently
selected Event.
PLAYBACK: In Playback Review Video, exports a 10-minute
video clip starting at the current seek time. In Playback List
Search, exports the currently selected video clip. In Playback
Thumbnail Search, R will zoom out to the next set of time divis-
ible thumbnails within the selected thumbnail if possible. If
zoom out is not possible, R will export the selected thumbnail.
Shuttle Wheel
Shuttle clockwise - Playback: Increase speed
Shuttle counterclockwise - Playback: reduce speed
Jog Dial
Jog clockwise - Step forward in Playback paused state. If in
Thumbnail Search, jog clockwise will select the next thumbnail.
Jog counterclockwise - step backward in Playback paused state.
If in Thumbnail Search, jog counterclockwise will select the pre-
vious thumbnail.