Smarty 4X V
Boost ventilation function is used for fast ventilation of premises. It activates the maximum air-flow (speed 4). Boost ventilation has be temporary, i.e.
it must be a final condition (e.g. CO2 limit, time). The reason for this limitation – protection against dryness. High air flow reduces humidity, and dry
air is harmful for health.
The function is activated by pressing ON and deactivated by pressing OFF button in the BOOST section, or by means of an external contactor (FANS
SPEED SWITCH), which is configured in the service environment (SERVICE › MAIN › FANS SPEED SWITCH) section.
The function is inactive when Stand-by mode is on. Time limit is indicated (ADJUSTER › USER SETTINGS › BOOST TIMER or USER › MENU › SET
TINGS › BOOST TIMER). Once the function is activated, the time is set by the timer and the time is counted till its deactivation. It may be adjusted in
real-time, i.e. when the function is on, in ADJUSTER › VENTILATION CONTROL or in the user environment main window.
› Manually;
› By date;
› Based on 3-day mean outdoor temperature, to be calculated only when the fresh air (outdoor) pre-heater is off.
This function is designed to protect the building against dryness. If it is active, it calculates the 3-day mean humidity of exhaust air from the premises.
If it drops below 30 %, the fans start operating in speed 2 in Comfort mode. A user is notified of the activated protection and limited air-flow.
If the mean humidity exceeds 30 % or this function is switched off manually, the fans start operating in speed 3 in Comfort mode.
The function is switched on/off in the section ADJUSTER › USER SETTINGS › DRYNESS PROTECTION or in the window USER › MENU › SET
This function is designed to save energy in the morning, when a fresh night air is used to cool down the building. The function is active only in summer.
If it is switched on but not active yet, activation conditions are checked:
› System time from function start to the end (hours/minutes);
› Time is exactly every hour since the start;
› If STAND-BY mode is set, the unit operates in BUILDING PROTECTION mode for 5 minutes so that the actual temperature data is available.
The temperature is checked after purging. If it is not suitable, the unit returns to STAND-BY mode;
› Outdoor temperature is higher than the set outdoor temperature;
› Exhaust air temperature is higher than the set temperature;
› Exhaust air temperature is higher than the outdoor temperature by at least 2 °C;
› Summer.
If all conditions are met the unit starts operating in COMFORT mode (without temperature maintaining). The main window shows that the Night cooling
function is active. When it is active continuously, the deactivation conditions are checked:
› Time does not correspond to the start/end interval;
› Exhaust air temperature drops below the set temperature;
› Outdoor temperature drops below the set temperature;
› Mode other than COMFORT was switched or the unit has been shut down.
The air filter timer indicates to the user when the filters are clogged. After their replacement, the timer must be reset. The user can always see how
many days are left till the filter replacement. The timer limit can be set in the service environment. Maximum permissible time – 1 year. It is calculated
only when the fans are rotating.
The filter timer can be reviewed and reset in the section ADJUSTER › USER SETTINGS › FILTERS TIMER or in the window USER › MENU › SET
The time limit is indicated in the service environment SERVICE › MAIN › AIR FILTERS PROTECTIONS.
The system notifies the user about the system failures by warnings that are canceled automatically and by alarms that have to be canceled manually.
The latter are recommended to be canceled by a specialist prior to finding out the causes of the alarm. Information on alarms and warnings is also
displayed in the main window ADJUSTER › VENTILATION CONTROL. If at least one alarm is active, the system is shut down and external failure in
dication is activated. Alarms and warnings can be reviewed and canceled in the window ADJUSTER › ALARMS or USER › ALERT. All possible alarms
and warnings are provided in the table below.
Alarms list
Warning! Rotor broken belt alarm
Alarm! Fireplace protection activated
Warning! Dryness protection activated
Warning! Plate heat exchanger frost protection activated
Alarm! Plate heat exchanger frost protection system stopped
Warning! Plate heat exchanger frost protection (pressure relay)
Alarm! Hydronic heater frost protection. System stopped
Warning! Too low supply temperature
Warning! Too high supply temperature
Alarm! Too low supply temperature. System stopped
Alarm! Too high supply temperature. System stopped
Warning! Change supply air filter (pressure relay)