Configuration with the Service Interface
Chapter 4: Configuration
You can name Multicast groups1 through 3 according to your system
There are three possibilities for the multicast group:
• listen only (IN: input only),
• talk (OUT: output only)
• listen and talk (BI: bidirectional)
Talker ID White List
Enter NMEA LWE source IDs. Replace * from left to right.
Example: AI0001 ZZ1234 BI0222 CC2222 GH0011 * * * * *
The talker ID white list is used to ensure that the SAILOR 6390 Navtex
Receiver does not get identical information from more than one
physical sensor device (identified by talker ID).
If one of the inputs (PI, Sensor or LWE) receives data that shall be
ignored by the Navtex, make a positive Talker ID white list for this
port, listing only talker IDs that shall be used by the Navtex on this
interface. Talker IDs that are
listed will be filtered out.
An empty list (* * * * * * * * * * - default) allows input from any talker
Sentence White
Enter NMEA sentences. Replace * from left to right.
Example: RMC ZDA CRQ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Sentence white list is used to ensure that the SAILOR 6390
Navtex Receiver can be configured to receive specific NMEA
sentences on a specific port.
If several devices (defined by different talker IDs) are providing the
same sentence
type, make a positive sentence white list for a port to
indicate where sentences shall be taken. Sentences that are
listed will
be filtered out.
An empty list (* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - default) allows any
sentence to be accepted on that port.
Select which NMEA sentences you want to encode.
Select which NMEA sentences you want to decode.
Transmission Group Select which lightweight Ethernet transmission group to use for the
telegrams to use. Transmission groups must be unique for each port. For
further information see Table B-1 on page B-1.
Table 4-6: Interface Settings, Multicast Settings