Sailfish 320 EXP
Bilge Pumps
All Sailfish Boats are furnished with Rule Bilge Pumps, The Rule
2000 GPH (gallon per hour) pump has a built in automatic float
switch. This is engaged when the water level rises in the bilge and
the float rises in the pump causing the pump to turn on.
***The 320CC and 320WAC are furnished with two of these pumps
as shown in the picture - The lower pump can be engaged auto
matically or manually via the bilge pump switch on the dash - The
higher pump is an automatic only pump that is wired directly to the
These pumps can be tested by turning them upside down, the
pump should turn on, once turned back over it will run for a few more
seconds and then shut off. The pumps also have a manual switch
function on the main switch panel.
These pumps are wired into your boat bypassing the battery switch
so that they have power at all times, this allows the automatic fea
ture to work while you are away from the boat and the batteries are
turned off.
Sailfish boats 241CC and larger are equipped with a forward bilge
pump that is an electronic sensor pump. These pumps have a state
of the art internal water sensor that detects water and automatically
activates the pump when there is enough present to be pumped out.
These pumps can be tested by placing your finger over the “Test
Area” on the back of the pump for 5 seconds, the pump will turn on
to let you know it is functioning correctly. All wiring and switches to
these pumps are the same as the Rule 2000GPH pumps.