Saia-Burgess Controls AG
Manual PCD7.D412DTPF & PCD7.D4xxxT5F │ Document 27-620 – Release ENG07 │ 2019-06-20
General recommendations for the Web Editor
General recommendations for the Web Editor
In the "Project configurations"
Select a standard typeface to be used for most projects!
In the Web Editor project (general information)
■ You are recommended to use text fields, which exceed the size displayed in the
Editor by up to 20%. You can find details in section 12.
■ IMasterSBC5_xx_xx.jar is not required in order to display a website on the MB
■ The .tcr file is the only file which needs to be integrated into the Web Server
project (.wsp). All other project files can be copied into the flash memory (PLC
or local server of the MB panel) under INFLASH/webpages/.
■ Add Unicode fonts
Product Info
Web-Panel PCD7.D4xxx
Additional information for Sales Compa
nies (restricted area)
■ If the correct typeface is not in the list
please contact PCD Support in Mur
ten, where we would be happy to help.
■ The container offset name (container name) must not contain any underscores
or @ signs (i.e., not: PDP-@COFF_containername@, PDP-FOR
■ Consider that the suffix for container offset is d for a decimal and k for the for
mat HH:MM
■ Use "Online trends macros" with the right timestamp: The time server must be
activated in the Setup menu.
■ For information on calculating the amount of memory required, see "9.5.3 De
compression of Gif files: analysis/calculation" on page 9-4
■ Viewing angle: the surface (front panel of the unit) projects a few millimetres
over the display. You should therefore leave a frame of 4-5 pixels free (black)
around the view.
Number of objects per page: tested with 1024 objects (1024 objects
with 3 flags per object = 3072 flags)
Number of registers per page: tested with 475 registers
■ Maximum number of objects (painters) per page is 512 objects
■ Project configuration
Scaleable HTML: define HTMLs, where the HMI is
adjusted during the run time by a defined factor. For example, scale your HMI to
200%, without having to modify the TEQ views. MicroBrowser adapts the TEQ
views during run time if you enter your new ‘scaleable' HTML file instead of the
standard HTML file.
Examples: Factor 2.000000 means 200% of 640 × 480, i.e. 1280 × 960;
a factor < 1 (< 100%) is not suitable for applications with the MB panel.