Sahara CleverBOARD Manual Download Page 1



Installation Guide

Sahara Presentation Systems PLC

Williams House, Hailey Road, Erith Kent DA18 4AA England

CleverBOARD Helpline: 020 8319 7788

mimio is a registered trademark of Virtual Ink Corporation.

CleverBOARD is a registered trademark of Sahara Presentation Systems PLC.




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Caring for cleverBOARD accessories

Store the styli and other accessories in the CleverBOARD lockable
compartment. Cap your styli to stop your markers from drying out. Remove
the batteries if you do not use CleverBOARD for extended periods. 

Whiteboard size on the PC

If the whiteboard on your PC display appears to be too large or too small,
select the proper size using the Board Settings dialog in the mimio
application. See mimio online help for more information.

Working with the styli and eraser

Difficulty using the mimio styli and eraser may be due to one of the following:
• Damaged stylus or eraser
• Orientation of stylus/eraser incorrect
• Low battery in stylus/eraser
• Unfriendly IR environment
• Drawing below the marks indicated on CleverBOARD
• Pressing both eraser pads


What is mimioMouse?

mimioMouse is software that lets you use a mimio stylus when you project
your Windows Desktop.

How do I use it?

Project your windows Desktop onto CleverBOARD. Place the mimio pointer
insert into any stylus. Run the mimioMouse application from the Windows
Start menu. Push the stylus against the surface to click and drag.

How do I right click?

Press the maximize board button on CleverBOARD. The next time you touch
the stylus to the projected Desktop, mimioMouse interprets it as a right click.




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