Site technical documentation B2005
- CRA XXX -> N° de CRA.
- 260/03 -> Date of repair (260), repairing day (03), last digit of year (03->2003).
2.5.1 block diagram
2.5.2Standards and environment
The phone complies with the following standards.
Directive EEC 1999 / 5 / CE
Safety (security) EN 60950
CEM EN 301 489-1 / EN 301 489-7
Voltage 73 / 23 / EEC
Network 3GPP TS 51.010-1 v 5.2.0 with included GCF-CC V 3.10.0
Requirements GT01 v 4.7.0 / TBR 19 edition 5 / TBR 20 edition 3
TBR 31 edition 2 / TBR 32 edition 2 / EN 301 419-1 / EN 301511
Health EN 50360 / EN 50361
The description and operation of SAGEM B2005 are given in the "User’s handbook" supplied with the handset. This
chapter only describes equipment that operates with the B2005 handset.
REF MTB DTS 2- Indice A - December 21 2005
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