STIM300 STIM377H Evaluation Kit
DOK453 rev.2
Page 27 of 29
Voltage on output of power supply [V]
Voltage output on external power supply (optional). Default value is
5.1 V. Value should be within the supply voltage range of the gyro
module. See product datasheet for details
Current limit on output of power [A]
Current limitation on external power supply (optional). Default value
is 1.0 A
Table 10: Parameters panel descriptions
Binary file description
The binary file’s first 2101 bytes is the header. The header is defined as:
The first byte is stating the number of ‘columns’ in the file (n columns)
- The next 100 bytes is defining the data-
type for each ‘column’ (only the first n values are set). Currently these
numbers are all 0x05, meaning 8-byte floating point (double)
- The remaining header bytes are 100 20-byte strings with the header name for e
ach ‘column’ (only the first n values
are set)
After the header follows the data measurement result values, stored as 8-byte floating point values (double) in groups
of n results.
Messages from the program
Messages that the program can display are listed in Table 11:
This application is already running!
Stop loading of 2. instance...
The program is already started, a second instance will not be allowed
Wrong password entered!
The password entered does not match the required one for this INI-file
No response to message was received
Did not receive the expected response to the sent service-mode
There is no measurement data available for storage
To be able to save measurement data, there must be data available
Unable to open the selected file
Saving of measurement data failed, unable to open or create the
selected file
Unable to allocate the required memory
Failed to acquire the requested number of datagrams from the gyro
module due to error when trying to allocate memory for temporary
No product identification datagram received
Even after retries the, expected datagram is not received as response to
command sent
No configuration datagram received
Even after retries the, expected datagram is not received as response to
command sent
No serial number datagram received
Even after reties the, expected datagram is not received as response to
command sent
No datagrams received
Failed to acquire the requested number of datagrams from the gyro
module, no recognizable datagrams received
Turn off device supply voltage
Instruction to user when running without controlled power-supply
Turn on device supply voltage
Instruction to user when running without controlled power-supply
Error encountered when trying to control voltage
Power on sequence failed. Note that for the software to be able to read
the special datagrams on power-on, the power supply must be applied
exactly when instructed as described in previous chapters
Unexpected DG-ID received !
When waiting for datagrams, unexpected datagrams are received
Unable to read config DG to determine output unit !
Unable to read configuration datagram to determine the output unit