MorphoAccess® SIGMA Series - Administrator Guide
Access Control by Authentication
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July 17
PIN verification - PIN stored on card
In this mode, each user's card contains a User ID, unique PIN Code and the biometric data of
two different fingers of the user. The terminal detects the user by means of the User ID on his
‘card’. For authentication, it compares the entered PIN Code with the corresponding PIN on the
user’s card. The terminal will now expect the user to place his finger on the biometric sensor,
provided biometric checks are enabled and the PIN has matched. The captured image of the
fingerprint is then compared with the reference biometric data on the card. If a match is found,
the access is granted, otherwise the access is denied. The administrator needs to carefully
encode the User ID, PIN Code and biometric data of two fingerprints at the enrolment time
This authentication mode doesn’t use the internal database of the terminal as a source of
If required, the biometric check can be disabled, as described in the “No biometric check, no
User ID check” section.
Note: This section is applicable for MorphoAccess® SIGMA and SIGMA Lite+ Series terminal only.
User’s data required in the terminal
This authentication mode doesn’t use the internal database of the MorphoAccess® SIGMA
Family terminal as a source of reference. Hence the administrator need not encode the user
information into the terminal database.
User’s data required on the user’s card
For this mode of authentication to work correctly, the administrator must correctly encode the
following information into the user’s card. This must be carefully done at enrolment time.
User ID (Identifier)
User PIN
User’s biometric data of two reference fingers.
All other data are ignored.
The data on the card must comply with the TLV format, as described in the MorphoAccess®
terminals Contactless Card Specification document.