MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family Administrator Guide
MorphoAccess® Terminal Administration Menu
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July 17
Export Data in USB Mass Storage Device
The administrator can export the information from terminal database into the USB Mass
Storage Device, by using this functionality. The terminal allows the export of the following
categories of data.
Transaction Logs: there can be two modes of transaction logging,
Error Logs: Contains the record of failed attempts to access as well as other errors that
have occurred
User Database: This contains user database.
Contectless key: This contains the contactless card security keys
The logs and user database can be exported in Binary (.bin) format, which is a non-readable file.
Transaction log can also be exported in .CSV format.
The data exported in USB Mass Storage device can be used as a backup and imported in the
terminal, on instances when terminal database is formatted.
Exporting data from the terminal may take longer duration depending on the data size. This
consequently affects the terminal response time and other operations. Hence the administrator
is recommended to perform export data operation when terminal is in idle state.