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Page 41 Manual Sweep
The IF Receiver sweeps the whole spectrum in the programmed carrier acquisition range until it finds a signal on
which it can lock. After programming the IF Receiver in Manual mode, the frequency offset is set to the lower limit
of the acquisition range (example -130 kHz).
Sweeping starts when the Operator click on icon
in the top-
level window (Refer to the MCS User’s Manual
and the TCP/IP Interface Specification
– IFR Restart). For each carrier or pseudo-carrier found in the spectrum
(telemetry lateral band, spurious...), the IF Receiver will attempt to phase lock to the signal.
When the IF Receiver is locked, sweeping can be restarted by clicking again the icon. After the spectrum has
been totally scanned, the frequency offset is again set to the lower limit of the acquisition range.
Note that the loop bandwidth can be changed while the spectrum is being scanned. Acquisition By-Pass
The tracked frequency is the center frequency set by the user.