Safety Link is a division of Ballarat Health Services.
Welcome to Safety Link
Congratulations on choosing Safety Link and the GO Trek as your mobile alarm
service. For your information, the following items are included in the GO Trek box:
The GO Trek device
The charging platform, a USB cable, and a plug pack
A split ring for those that wish to attach the device to a key-ring
GO Trek Welcome and Quick Start Guide
GO Trek System Guide
which explains how the device operates.
Please keep the guide in a safe place for future reference
Test Reminder Magnet
which can be placed on your refrigerator
as a reminder to do your monthly test and recharge the GO Trek
Conditions of Use
Thank you for choosing Safety Link’s GO Trek, we trust you will enjoy the
independence and peace-of-mind that GO Trek offers.
Overleaf you will find a Quick Start Guide for the initial set-up of GO Trek.
Please contact Safety Link with any questions regarding the GO Trek system
on 1800 813 617, or email: [email protected]
Yours sincerely,
The Safety Link Team
Continued overleaf