CHAPTER 7 Prepare the Client for Network Trust Link
c:\ Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\> pscp “c:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\cert\client\<client-ip-
address>.pem” admin@<appliance-ip-address>:
The “:” after the destination is required. Without the colon, scp does not recognize the
supplied destination as a remote server. The file arriving at the HSM is automatically placed in
the appropriate directory. Do not specify a directory for destination.
Next, see
"Register the Client Certificate to an HSM Server" on page 105
, to continue the setup (configuration is nearly
done at this point).
Luna SA Configuration Guide
Release 5.4.1 007-011136-007 Rev C July 2014 Copyright 2014 SafeNet, Inc. All rights reserved.