Phoenix G2 IDU Quick Start Guide
SAF Tehnika JSC
button else it will not persist through the device reboot; and the white button has only
data refreshing option, but such action does not alter the running or stored
configuration. Most common button types used in the WEB GUI are following:
Opens Help/information page
Shown in the status bar when there are
unsaved changes on a connected device
in the link. Using this button, you update
the startup configuration by actually
running configuration on all linked units.
Shown when a value is modified directly
in flash memory but command activation
requires either parameter initialization or
system reboot, for example, IP settings.
Shown when there are pending changes
in the IP settings. By pressing this button,
the device performs a network interfaces
reset. Note, this action does not cause the
user data outage, but it disconnects all
active management sessions (GUI, CLI,
Apply all the changes at current GUI page
or in a respective frame.
Revert all unconfirmed changes in a
respective frame.
Shown only on pages which contain
values which are not automatically
refreshed. It pulls information from the
device and renders it on the screen.
Configuration boxes
The colour of configuration value entered in a setting box indicates the status of the
following value:
black – unmodified value
blue – modified but non-applied value