The fires burns really bad
The wood is too wet
Use dry wood : humidity max. 20%
Wrong fuel
Only use suitable wood
Respect the right quantity of wood
Chimney draught is too weak
(min 12 Pa)
Check the density of the exhaust pipe
Clean the chimney
Too little combustion air
Check the diameter of the smoke
outlet and air supply
Check all ventilation in the house, if
necessary open window
Window gets dirty really
The wood is too wet
Use dry wood : humidity max. 20%
Wrong fuel
• Logs aren’t small enough
Use only the right wood
Too many wood
Don’t refill more than 2
-3 pcs max.
Too little combustion air
Check that there is a good passage in
the supply pipe
Install an extra air supply conduct
Shut down the ventilation system of
the house
Signs of smoke at first use of
the stove
The base paint is drying out
Disappears after a while. Is harmless
High temperature difference
Open the door of the stove a little
when starting to heat up and stay near
the stove
Too much smoke
Chimney draught is too weak
(min 12 Pa)
Check the density of the exhaust pipe
Clean the chimney
Fuel hasn’t burnt
Only refill wood in the stove as long as
there are no more orange flames visible.
Chimney fire
Wrong fuel
Too much fuel
Bad maintenance
Shut down the air supply immediately
and call your local fire department