Digital inverter generator initial Starting
Your new inverter generator is equipped with a mechanical fuel pump. The initial start
up will require additional pulls of the recoil starter to prime the fuel system.
Please follow the instructions below for initial start up:
1. Turn the ENGINE/CHOKE LEVER to the RUN position.
2. Fill the fuel tank per the Operator’s Manual instructions.
3. Pull the engine recoil five (5) times to prime the fuel system.
4. Press the AUTO IDLE SWITCH to the OFF position.
5. Add engine lubricant per the Operator’s Manual instructions.
6. Move the CHOKE LEVER to the CHOKE position.
7. Pull the recoil starter until the engine starts.
Subsequent starting should only require 6 pulls maximum.
8. Move the CHOKE LEVER to the RUN position.
9. For quieter more efficient operation, place the AUTO IDLE switch in the ON position.
This is not a substitute for reading the operator’s manual. To reduce the risk of injury or death, user must
read and understand operator’s manual before using this product.
10-30-12 (REV:02)