28. Spanning Tree
ROX™ v2.2 User Guide
RuggedBackbone™ RX1500
28.4.4. Port MSTI Parameters
Figure 28.16. MSTI Configuration table
To display the MSTI Configuration table, navigate to interface/switch/{line module}/spanning-tree/msti.
Figure 28.17. MSTI Configuration form
To display the MSTI Configuration form, navigate to interface/switch/{line module}/spanning-tree/msti/
Synopsis: integer
MSTP Instance Identifier
MSTP Priority
Synopsis: string - one of the following keywords { 240, 224, 208, 192, 176, 160, 144, 128, 112,
96, 64, 32, 16, 0 }
Default: 128
The STP port priority. Ports of the same cost that attach to a common LAN will select the port to
be used based upon the port priority.
STP Cost
Synopsis: string - the keyword { auto-cost }
Synopsis: unsigned integer
Default: auto-cost