Realtimes Beijing Technology Co.,LTD
RTSS-X501M Reference Manual V2.0
Installation and use
3.1 How to use Smart Box
a) Ensure that the voltage of all external systems is turned off
b) Install necessary external cables. (Such as: the display cable connected to the HDMI display, the
power input cable to power the system, the USB cable connecting the keyboard and mouse ...)
c) RTSS-X501M adopts manual power-on design. Turn on the power and the system starts to work.
3.2 Recovery Mode
The Jetson TX1/TX2 core module works in both normal and Recovery mode. In the Recovery mode, file
system update, kernel update, Boot Loader update, BCT update and other operations can be carried out.
RTSS-X501M To enter Recovery mode:
Turn off the system power supply
Use USB cables to connect rtSS-X501m dual USB3.0 sockets to the bottom port of the Jetson
development host USB port.
Short connect 3 and 5 pins of GPIO connector, turn on the power switch to supply power to the
system, keep power supply for more than 3 seconds, and then disconnect the short wiring of 3 and 5
pins of GPIO connector.
The system enters the Recovery mode, and subsequent operations can be carried out at this point.