Real Time Automation, Inc.
Data View Tab
The Data View Tab shows the data that has been sent to the 515RTAENI from the attached serial
controller. Using this page, data can also be written back to the serial controller. This page is designed to
act as a “scratch
pad” function to show th
e data transfer with the serial controller.
This screen allows 40 user configurable descriptions for the reads and writes associated with the data
table address ranges of N50:0-27, used in node #202, and F51:0-11, used in node #203.
Depending on the refresh rate configured at the top of the screen, values written from that location in
the controller will display in the “Write from Controller” column.
Values can be entered in the “Write to
Controller” column and when the
button is pressed, those values will be sent to the appropriate
location. The gateway will send a separate DF1 w rite for each value entered.