RS Venture Connect:
RS Venture Connect SCS:
RS Venture Connect SCS Race: - With full rescue support at a World Sailing Event
Page 1: ...RS Venture Connect 11 9 11 RACE 9 RS Venture Connect SCS 11 9 11 RACE 9 RS Venture Connect SCS Race With full rescue support at a World Sailing Event 11 9 11 RACE 9 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS RIG SELECTION...
Page 2: ...nces the craft may fully invert or remain on its side during a capsize FRPELQHG PRELOH FUHZ ZHLJKW RI 160KG ZLOO EH UHTXLUHG WR ULJKW WKH ERDW IURP D IXOO LQYHUWHG SRVLWLRQ LI D UHVFXH ERDW LV QRW DYD...
Page 3: ...l RS Dealer for advice I RXU ERDW LV WWHG ZLWK D VHFRQGDU NHHO VHFXULQJ GHYLFH SOHDVH PDNH VXUH WKLV LV secured correctly before going sailing Relace the Velcro securing strap every 12 months When usi...