RS Aqua Ltd. 46 Hurst Barns, Privett, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 3PL
Tel: +44(0)1730 828222 Fax: +44(0)1730 828128 Email: [email protected] Web: www.rsaqua.co.uk
C2. What is the recommended servicing routine?
A: An annual (or biannual) service is recommended when the antenna assembly and wave
guide should be inspected for corrosion. If possible, monthly inspections should be
undertaken but these are not essential. They would cover washing down the sensor with
fresh water plus routine checks for damage, corrosion and security of fixings.
C3. What happens if the sensor it is hit by a wave.
A: Unless there is physical damage there will be no effect. The antenna is designed to
deflect and shed water/spray quickly. If a wave enters the invalid zone (03 metres from the
sensor head) only the minimum distance will be output ie. 3 metres, until the distance from
the sensor increases again.
C4. Does vibration affect the sensor or it’s measurements?
A: No. WaveRadar Rex is a solid state device and meets European vibration standards.
Vibration has no effect on measurement routines but if the mounting or host platform sways
or moves this may increase or decrease the measured distance data. In heavy vibration
climates, the mountings and fixings should be checked regularly.
C5. Is WaveRadar attitude sensitive?
A: Yes, but commonsense will obviate any problems. There is no tilt sensor in the radar
unit. The Rex should be assembled and checked to a vertical alignment at installation. The
vertical accuracy of the mounting or frame should be to /3 degrees. Assuming that
this is achieved, the sensor itself can be leveled to +/1.5 degrees by means of the 3
engraved alignment rings on the flange ball assembly. A spirit level should be used to check
level alignment.
C6. Is WaveRadar affected by extremes of temperature?
A: No. The weather protection cover provides solar protection. A thermostatically controlled
heater is incorporated in the electronics to provide stability in operation.
C7. What spares should I order for a new installation?
A: The WaveRadar is not supplied with any spares. However if the client’s operational
procedures require that spares are to be stocked, the main item to be considered is a spare
FBM with it’s RS232 PC cable and mains/DC adapter.
C8. Is there a test unit that I can purchase?
A: No. The reliability and simplicity of setup of the WaveRadar Rex is such that there is no
need for a test unit. A simple check of the operational accuracy can be made by pointing the
radar at a flat surface and physically measuring the distance from the Measuring Datum to
that surface.