#70992 Precision Camber Gauge & #70950 Monster Camber Gauge
All Vehicles:
A smooth, flat surface such as a workbench must be used for the most accurate settings. All adjustments
must be made at normal ride height (All radio gear, motor, fuel, batteries, etc., must be installed prior to
adjustment). Compress the suspension several times to set ride height. Set the gauge to the desired angle
and place the gauge next to the wheel on the workbench (See diagram). Adjust the camber rods until the
tire aligns itself with the gauge at both the top and the bottom of the tire. If adjustments to your initial
settings must be made, RPM recommends never adjusting the camber more than one degree at a time.
Make minor changes, and then test those changes before making any more adjustments.
Off-Road Settings:
Front: Start with one to three degrees of negative camber for added traction during cornering.
Rear: Normal starting camber angle for rear tires is also between one to three degrees of
negative camber. This prevents the outside edge of the tire from rolling under during cornering,
which prevents a loss of traction. Too much negative camber will cause traction loss on straights.
Positive camber or too little negative camber will decrease cornering traction, conversely adding
steering by allowing the rear end to slide through the corner.
Oval Settings:
Front: Assuming a left turn oval, start with one to three deg. of negative camber on the right
wheel and zero to two degrees of positive camber on the left side.
Rear: Mimic front-end settings as a starting point.
Sedan & On-Road:
Front: One degree of negative camber should cover most situations.
Rear: Begin with either zero to one degree of negative camber.
Notes on Toe Angles:
All vehicles except Monster Trucks: The RPM #70492 Toe-In Gauge provides the most accurate reference
for toe angle settings. Please visit www.rpmrcproducts.com/faq/toegauge.htm for more info.
Monster Truck Toe Angles: For a complete How-to article to set toe angles on Monster Trucks, please visit
the RPM FAQ page at www.rpmrcproducts.com/faq/camber.htm