OPC90 Server
The RoviSys Company
Version 7.0
Page 144
If the software has been purchased directly from RoviSys, please ask your
company’s accounts payable department payment to issue payment. If the
software was purchased from a reseller, please contact them about why they
have not paid for the software. Once payment is received by RoviSys, the
license day limit will be removed. Until that occurs, restart OPC90 every 8 hours.
Note that the hardware key does not have to be returned to RoviSys. The
license update is handled via email. A license update file is emailed. This file is
used to immediately update the hardware key to remove the day limit.
10.18 SCSI Addresses Different Between Two Shadowed PCs
The SCSI address of ABB Bailey INICT03A/13A modules must be identical
between shadowed OPC90 PCs. The address assigned to SCSI devices has
three components which are port number, card number and device on that card.
For example the address S2107 indicates port two, card one and device seven.
Windows automatically assigns the port number based on when new hardware is
added. Therefore, sometimes this port number assignment can end up being
different between two PCs based on the order in which new hardware is
discovered. If this occurs between redundant application stations use the
following procedure to re-align the port address.
Using Regedit go to the key named
branch that contains the Bailey interface. Click the Scsi Port # at the top of the branch
and look for the Driver name.