Working in 3D Space
The 3D DVE operates by manipulating DVE keys,
or individual channels, in 3-dimensional space.
This allows you to position keys in front of, or
behind, other keys, and make keys appear larger
(closer to you) or smaller (further from you)
than they are.
A 3D DVE key can be positioned anywhere in
the virtual 3D world; however, it is only visible
on screen if it is within the visible area. This
allows you to perform transition effects where
the key appears to fly in from one side. The key
is being taken from a position outside of the
visible area into the visible area.
3D World
Visible Area
Figure 16: 3D Space
Most key types require two channel of DVE channel to fly
the key. One channel for the fill and another channel for the
alpha. A preset pattern key is the only key type that only requires
a single channel to fly the key. This allows you to fly two channels
of DVE in a single key.
Moving in 3D Space
Three axes (X, Y, and Z) are used to define 3D
space. The position of a key on each of the three
axes determines its location in 3D space.
Center Point or Zero Point
Y Axis
X Axis
Z Axis
Figure 17: 3D Space
The center point of the screen is the zero point.
Each axis has a positive and negative region.
• Moving to the left of the center (or zero) point
locates the channel in -X space.
• Moving to the right of the center point locates
the channel in +X space.
• Moving below the center point locates the
channel in -Y space.
• Moving above the center point locates the
channel in +Y space.
• Moving closer to you locates the channel in
-Z space.
• Moving away from you locates the channel
in +Z space.
Since you are viewing 3D key on a 2D surface
(the screen), it is important to recognize how
depth is perceived. This involves understanding
relative size, parallax, and viewpoint
Relative Size
When working with the Z-Axis, keys that are
closer appear larger than keys that are further
away. Zooming the key changes the distance
between the key and the viewpoint, but does
not change the size of the key. Keys that are
closer also appear over top of keys that are
further away.
Figure 18: Relative Size
If you are manipulating two keys at once, you
may notice that the key closer to you appears
to be moving faster than the one that is further
away. This effect is known as motion parallax.
It occurs because keys that are closer to you
move further across your field of view than keys
in the distance.
Figure 19: Parallax
Rotation can occur around the X, Y, or Z-Axes.
The pivot point of the rotation (point of rotation)
can be set to any point on or off the plane of the
key to produce a variety of creative effects. The
default pivot point is the center of the key.
Changing the position of an key in 3D space does
not change the pivot point. The pivot point is
Ultrix Acuity Operation Manual (v10.1) — Working in 3D Space • 103