Manual and DC Compact Rollsizer
Operating and Maintenance Manual
All ROLLSIZER.COM products are covered by patents across 48 Countries.
We at rollsizer.com are always happy to help if you have any questions,
but it is nice to know you have read this first.
Please only use clean cases in the rollsizer. The use of dirty cases in the
rollsizer will wear out the base and disc and is not a warranty claim. We
recommend wet cleaning as dry cleaning can leave dry / dusty residue on
cases which can lead to wear.
The rollsizer and parts are shipped with a Lanolin based coating to
prevent surface rust, yes it looks horrible, but it is the best we have found
to date, clean it off with degreaser or alcohol-based wipes before use.
Please run your DC rollsizer for a minimum of 2 Hours unloaded to bed in
the brushes and gearbox before rollsizing cases. If your rollsizer stalls
when rolling cases, run the rollsizer unloaded overnight. Occasional /
Intermittent stalling WILL occur at first, this is a protection device to
ensure the machine is protected whilst running in.
Yes, the rollsizer will get warm especially when new / running in, this is
normal. Please check your cases are not plated steel, they are hard to
spot. Check with a magnet.