General instrument functions
User Manual 1179.1341.02 ─ 05
Table 11-2: Mapping control signals to the local T/M/C connectors (System Configuration > BB Sour-
ces = Coupled)
Assigned signal
T/M/(C) 1
"Baseband Marker 1"
"Symbol Clock"
T/M 2
"Baseband Marker 2"
T/M 2
Trigger marker clock and RF connectors
view of the current mapping of the logical signals to the corresponding connectors. The
dialogs are summary representation of related settings, as configured with the
Status indicators
Connector status LEDs
A dedicated LED indicates the connector status:
green: an input connector
yellow: an output connector
no light / gray: the connector is not active
T/M/C status LEDs
For quick overview of the source (internal/external) of the used trigger, marker and
clock signals, the block diagram displays
T/M/C status LEDs
on the left side of the
"Baseband" block.
If the baseband generator is active, a dedicated LED indicates the status:
green: an external signal is used.
yellow: the signal is available at the output connector.
T/E/L/P/V status LEDs
For quick overview of the source (internal/external) of the control signals, the block dia-
gram displays
T/E/L/P/V status LEDs
on the top/bottom of the "RF" blocks.
If the RF block is active, a dedicated LED indicates the signal status:
green: an external signal is used.
yellow: the signal is available at the output connector.
The signal valid (V) and the pulse signal (P) indications are displayed if the corre-
sponding function is enabled ("RF > On" and "Pulse Modulator > State > On").
Configuring local and global connectors