Instrument Function
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
In the block diagram, select "RF Block > Configure > SMZ Info Update"
Where you can find the description...
Since this section is relevant when an R&S SMZxxx frequency multiplier is connec-
ted, you can find a detailed description in the user manual of the frequency multi-
plier. It is included in the online help of the R&S
SMF, but can also be found in pdf
format on the CD, or on the R&S website
Firmware Update
Up to the R&S SMF firmware version 2.20.232.xx, the "Update" function is a pro-
tected procedure which can be accessed if protection level 2 is disabled (author-
ized personnel of R&S Service Departments only). When protection is activated,
you can not see this section in the dialog.
Starting with the R&S SMF firmware version 2.20.530.xx, the function is no longer
protected, and you can perform the update.
After a firmware update it is occasionally required to also update the "PCI-FPGA". This
is enabled in the "Update" dialog.
At the first start of the new firmware, a message appears during the boot process if a
"PCI-FPGA" update is required. Execute a PCI-FPGA update by pressing the "PCI-
FPGA" button.
Impairment of instrument functions
To avoid impairment of instrument functions, the update of the "PCI-FPGA" must not
be cancelled and the instrument must not be switched off during this update.
Display Update
The "Start/Stop Display Update" dialog provides the possibility to switch off update of
the displayed parameters in order to increase speed for certain settings.
General Instrument Settings