GNSS Production Configuration and Settings
User Manual 1176.9787.02 ─ 05
The signal is generated continuously. A trigger event (internal or external) causes a
"Armed Auto"
The signal is generated only when a trigger event occurs. Then the signal is gener-
ated continuously.
An "Arm" stops the signal generation. A subsequent trigger event (internal with or
external) causes a restart.
"Armed Retrigger"
The signal is generated only when a trigger event occurs. Then the signal is gener-
ated continuously. Every subsequent trigger event causes a restart.
An "Arm" stops signal generation. A subsequent trigger event (internal with or
external) causes a restart.
The signal is generated only when a trigger event occurs. Then the signal is gener-
ated once to the length specified at "Signal Duration".
Every subsequent trigger event (internal or external) causes a restart.
Remote command:
Signal Duration
Defines the length of the signal sequence to be output in the "Single" trigger mode.
It is possible to output deliberately just part of the signal, an exact sequence of the sig-
nal, or a defined number of repetitions of the signal.
Remote command:
With enabled modulation, displays the status of signal generation for all trigger modes.
The signal is generated; a trigger was (internally or externally) initiated in triggered
The signal is not generated and the instrument waits for a trigger event.
Remote command:
Stops the signal generation until subsequent trigger event occurs.
Remote command:
Execute Trigger
For internal trigger source, executes trigger manually.
Remote command:
Trigger/Marker/Clock Settings