User Manual 1176.9787.02 ─ 05
1 Preface
1.1 About this Manual
This operating manual provides all the information
specific for the production tester
All general instrument functions and settings common to all applications and operating
modes are described in the main R&S
SMBV operating manual.
The main focus in this manual is on the provided settings and the tasks required to
generate a signal. The following topics are included:
Welcome to the Production Tester
Introduction to and getting familiar with the option R&S
About the GNSS systems
Background information on basic terms and principles in the context of the signal
GNSS Configuration and Settings
A concise description of all functions and settings available to configure signal gen-
eration with their corresponding remote control command
How to Generate a Signal with the GNSS Production Tester
The basic procedure to perform signal generation tasks with varying signal dynam-
ics and modulation control
Remote Control Commands
Remote commands required to configure and perform signal generation in a
remote environment, sorted by tasks
(Commands required to set up the instrument or to perform common tasks on the
instrument are provided in the main R&S
SMBV operating manual)
Programming examples demonstrate the use of many commands and can usually
be executed directly for test purposes
List of remote commands
Alphabetical list of all remote commands described in the manual
Contents and scope
This description assumes R&S
SMBV equipped with all availabe options. Depending
on your model and the installed options, some of the functions may not be available on
your instrument.
Notes on screenshots
When describing the functions of the product, we use sample screenshots. These
screenshots are meant to illustrate as much as possible of the provided functions and
possible interdependencies between parameters. The shown values may not represent
realistic usage scenarios.
About this Manual