Understanding the R&S SGMA-GUI Software
User Manual 1176.7726.02 ─ 09
The first initialization of a newly connected instrument in a network and the instru-
ment's request to the DHCP server for an IP address may take some time. During this
time, the instrument does not respond to the query sent by the scan function. If the
instrument does not appear in the list of "Available Instruments", trigger the scan func-
tion again after some minutes.
Remote command:
New Instrument
Calls the
Delete Instrument
Removes the selected instrument from the list of
Edit Instrument
Calls the
Clear Instrument
Removes all instruments from the list of
Opens the standard file save browser for saving the list of the available instruments in
a mapping file. The mapping files have the file extension
so the filename typed in
is automatically equipped with this extension.
A mapping file provides a cross-reference between the instruments' symbolic names
and their respective remote control parameters. The information in the mapping file is
grouped in rows, where one row corresponds to one configured instrument. The rows
have the following structure:
<InstrumentType> <SymbolicName> <IP_Address/Hostname>
<RemoteChannel> <SerialNumber>
Figure 6-1: Mapping file example
In a remote control application program, address the instruments by their symbolic
names and retrieve the remain required settings from the mapping file. This workflow is
especially useful for frequent exchange of instruments.
Remote command:
Operating Menu and Toolbar