User Manual 1317.4726.02 ─ 01
The specified number of divisions is added to the y-values of the upper mask limit and
subtracted from the y-values of the lower mask limit. Thus, the upper half of the mask is
pulled upwards, the lower half is pulled down, and the overall height of the mask is twice
the "Width Y".
Remote command:
Width X ← New Mask
Changes the width of the mask in horizontal direction.
The specified factor in divisions is added to the positive x-values and subtracted from the
negative x-values of the mask limits in relation to the mask center. Thus, the left half of
the mask is pulled to the left, the right half is pulled to the right.
Remote command:
Save ← New Mask
Opens a menu to save the mask in an instrument-specific format. The complete mask
definition - envelope waveform with width, stretch and position settings - is stored.
Remote command:
Load Mask
Opens a file explorer to select a previously stored mask. The selected mask is loaded
and can be used for a subsequent test.
Remote command:
Opens a submenu to select the actions to be taken when a violation against the mask
limits occurs. For each action, you can define when and how often the action will be
Generates a beep sound.
Stops the waveform acquisition.
Saves a screenshot according to the settings in FILE > "Screenshots".
Prints a screenshot to a printer connected to the USB connector on the
front or rear panel.
Reference for MASKS key