Instrument Functions
Spectrum Rider FPH
User Manual 1321.1011.02 ─ 06.00
Storage device
To use the "Save on Event" functionality, you need either an SD card or a USB stick to
store the data. The internal memory is probably not sufficient.
1. Press the [SETUP] key.
2. Select the "User Preference" softkey.
3. Select the "Recording Storage" menu item.
A drop-down menu to select the recording storage media opens.
4. Select the desired storage media.
Managing Datasets
The R&S Spectrum Rider provides functionality to manage (e.g. save, restore) data-
sets available in its internal memory or an external storage device.
The R&S Spectrum Rider supports various types of datasets. The instructions below
primarily describe the management of datasets that you create on the R&S Spectrum
Rider during measurements, for example measurement results and configurations.
Note that these datasets have the file extension
Datasets with the file extension
are an image of measurement results and config-
urations. Thus, you can subsequently reproduce the context of the measurement.
Using the R&S InstrumentView software, you can use the datasets for documentation
purposes or post-processed it for a more detailed analysis later on. Note that datasets
also contain calibration data if calibration has been performed.
The R&S Spectrum Rider also supports various other types of datasets or templates.
Such templates mainly contain additional requirements for a particular measurement,
like limit lines or channel tables.
Creating and editing of these templates are only possible with the functionality provi-
ded by the R&S InstrumentView software package. Note that the file extension
depends on the application of the template (for example, a template containing a chan-
nel table has the extension
Managing Datasets