NB-IoT NPRACH Measurement
User Manual 1178.5689.02 ─ 06
"Ref. Marker ..."
Enable or disable the reference marker and select the marker position. If sev-
eral traces can be displayed, a trace can also be selected.
"Marker 1 /2 ..."
Enable or disable marker 1 or 2 and define the marker position (absolute or rel-
ative to the reference marker).
Depending on the trace mode, a trace can also be selected.
"Select Trace Mode"
Define whether markers 1 and 2 are set to the same trace as the reference
marker (collective) or to selectable individual traces.
Common View Elements
This section describes elements that are displayed in most views.
Current settings
The most important settings of the NB-IoT NPRACH measurement are displayed at the
top of the measurement dialog.
Most detailed views show tables providing a statistical evaluation of results obtained
from the measured preamble. The statistical values in the tables are calculated as fol-
Value of the result obtained in the last measurement interval. For some
modulation results, an RMS value and a peak value are available. They are calcu-
lated as the average and peak of all samples in the measured preamble.
Average of all "Current" values referenced to the last statistics cycle.
"Extreme", "Min", "Max":
Largest or smallest "Current" value that the R&S
obtained since the start of the measurement.
Standard deviation of all "Current" values since the start of the mea-
All statistical results (statistical tables and "Average" or "Max" traces) are calculated
according to the general rules for statistical results.
For description of individual table rows, see
Chapter, "View Power Dynamics"
Statistic Count
Progress bar for the measurement. During the first single shot after the start of the
measurement, the bar shows the number of measured preambles relative to the con-
figured "Statistic Count". A filled progress bar indicates that the first shot is complete
and the statistical depth has been reached.
Out of Tolerance
Percentage of measurement intervals (preambles) that were failed because they
exceeded the limits in the diagram.
GUI Reference