User Manual 1178.7100.02 ─ 05
OSP-B128 RF SSR Module
Figure 3-111: R&S
OSP-B128 with connectors of each relay in a horizontal line (flat relay design)
Left and center = Version 1505.4734.13 with three SP6T relays
= Version 1505.4734.12 with two SP6T relays
The one-slot
OSP-B128 (order no. 1505.4734.11/.12/.13) consists of 1, 2
or 3 solid-state relays (SSRs) of SP6T type, frequency range 9
kHz to 10
GHz, with
internally terminated SMA (female) connectors.
56 N
The switch module is available in 3 versions:
With 1 SP6T relay in position K1 (order no. 1505.4734.11)
With 2 SP6T relays in position K1 and K2 (order no. 1505.4734.12)
With 3 SP6T relays in position K1 to K3 (order no. 1505.4734.13)
The relays must be configured starting from position K1 onwards. Hence, a configura-
tion with K1 and K3, only, is not permitted. Openings without a relay are covered from
the inside by a strip of sheet metal.
The R&S
OSP automatically recognizes the installed relays via an EEPROM (factory
configuration) and an internal I
C query (current configuration). The user interface dis-
plays the actual SP6T relays installed in the R&S
The relays operate independently from each other. The terminal port is labeled with C
(common), the other relay ports are labeled with numbers. In this relay type, the termi-
nal port "C" (common) can be switched to any one of the other ports. The selected
connection is coded in the control signal.
After a reset, the relays automatically go to the default state with the port C
nected to any of the numbered ports.
Without power supplied to the relay, it has no defined switching state. Therefore, SSRs
are not inherently failsafe, see
The relay is mounted directly into the module's panel and soldered to the module's
printed board, to avoid relay cabling and allow a compact module size.
The switch unit provides power supply and control via a single module bus cable to a
module bus connector on the module's printed board. The module's on-board memory
stores its configuration data.
OSP-B128 RF SSR Module