Spectrum Measurements
User Manual 1175.7445.02 ─ 08
Sets the stopping point for range 1 on trace 1 at 5 ms.
[SENSe:]SWEep:EGATe:TRACe<k>: PERiod
on page 763)
Defines the period for gated triggering to 5 ms.
Adjust Settings ← CCDF
Adjusts the level settings according to the measured difference between peak and min-
imum power for APD measurement or peak and mean power for CCDF measurement
in order to obtain maximum power resolution. Adjusts the reference level to the current
input signal. For details see also the
Remote command:
Defining Gated Triggering for APD and CCDF
Statistic measurements on pulsed signals can be performed using GATED TRIGGER.
An external frame trigger is required as a time (frame) reference.
The gate ranges define the part of the I/Q capture data taken into account for the sta-
tistics calculation. These ranges are defined relative to a reference point T=0. The gate
interval is repeated for each period until the end of the I/Q capture buffer.
The reference point T=0 is defined by the external trigger event and the instrument's
trigger offset.
For each trace you can define up to 3 separate ranges of a single period to be traced.