Trying Out the Instrument
Getting Started 1179.4370.02 ─ 01
By default, two traces are displayed: the first trace shows the smoothed data
without spurs, the second trace the raw data including spurs.
Measuring amplitude noise
The test setup is the same as shown above.
The default phase noise trace shows the phase noise characteristics of the DUT.
In addition, you can also display the amplitude noise characteristics (or both
1. Enter the "Overview" dialog box and, from there, enter the "Analysis" dialog
2. Select the vertical "Trace" tab, and then the horizontal "Traces" tab.
3. For any trace, select "AM Noise" from the "Result" dropdown menu.
4. Start a new measurement to determine the AM noise of the DUT.
(The "Phase + AM Noise" menu item displays the sum of phase and ampli-
tude noise.)
If you'd like to view both results separately at the same time, open two
phase noise diagrams, one that shows the phase noise, the other showing the
AM noise and perform a measurement.
In addition to the graphical representation of the phase noise characteristics, the
application also provides several tables that show specific phase noise character-
Measuring spurs
In addition to the graphical display of spurs in the diagram (spikes on the trace),
the application also features a result display that contains a list of all detected
► Open the SmartGrid ( ) and drag the "Spurious List" item from the evaluation
bar into the display.