Publication SAFETY-AT017B-EN-P-July 2011
Safety Output Rungs
This rung controls the dual outputs on the 1791ES Guard I/O module
named CellGuard1. The ROUT instruction outputs, O1 and O2, are used
to drive the safety outputs 06 and 07 (Tags: CellGuard1:O.Pt06Data and
CellGuard1:O.Pt07Data) which are wired to the PowerFlex 70 Safe-Off
relay and Drive Enable digital input.
Reassignment of the feedback and output channels must
be made to match your unique safety wiring configuration.
Performance Data
Worst-case Reaction Time Based on Safety System
Typically, both channels are HI coming from the interlock switch and the
E-stop. If any one channel goes LO, the corresponding filter timer
configured in the 1791ES-IB8OBV4 module starts. If the channel is still
LO when the filter times out, the output is turned OFF.