Rockwell Automation Publication 2080-UM002N-EN-E - November 2022
Chapter 2 About Your Controller
RMCC EtherNet/IP Example – Set the Message Length
After the new IP address is configured and applied, the controller will disconnect from the
Connected Components Workbench software if communication is through Ethernet.
You can verify that the IP address has changed after performing RMCC by looking at the
Ethernet settings for the controller.
RMCC EtherNet/IP Example – Verify Address Change
Safety Considerations
Safety considerations are an important element of proper system installation. Actively
thinking about the safety of yourself and others, as well as the condition of your equipment, is
of primary importance. We recommend reviewing the following safety considerations.
Disconnect Main Power
The main power disconnect switch should be located where operators and maintenance
personnel have quick and easy access to it. In addition to disconnecting electrical power, all
other sources of power (pneumatic and hydraulic) should be de-energized before working on a
machine or process controlled by a controller.
Micro830 controllers do not support Run Mode Configuration Change
using EtherNet/IP.
You should not perform IP address changes continuously. Allow an
interval of at least six seconds before performing the next IP address
change in order for duplicate address detection to work properly.
Explosion Hazard
Do not replace components, connect equipment, or disconnect equipment
unless power has been switched off.