Rockwell Automation Publication 2080-UM002N-EN-E - November 2022
Chapter 11 Controller Security
In Connected Components Workbench software version 10 or later, a stronger password
algorithm is introduced to provide better security. To take full advantage of this enhancement,
the Micro800 controller must have firmware revision 10 or later, and the project must also be
software version 10 or later.
In Connected Components Workbench software version 20.01.00 or later, the password
algorithm is further enhanced to increase the password encryption on the new Micro850
(2080-L50E) and Micro870 (2080-L70E) controllers. When the password is changed, or
removed and restored back in the controller, the encrypted code in the controller is different.
Therefore the backup copy of the program in the 2080-MEMBAK-RTC2 module must be
updated before it can be used for restoring the program, otherwise the restore fails.
The controller password is also backed up to the memory backup module (2080-MEMBAK-RTC
and 2080-MEMBAK-RTC2).
The Controller Password feature is supported on:
• Connected Components Workbench software
version 2
and later
• Micro800 controllers with firmware
revision 2
For users with earlier versions of the software and/or revisions of the hardware, see the
compatibility scenarios below.
Connected Components Workbench Software Version 1 with Micro800 Controller
Firmware Revision 2
Connection to a Micro800 controller with firmware revision 2 using an earlier version of the
Connected Components Workbench software (version 1) is possible and connections will be
successful. However, the software will not be able to determine whether the controller is
locked or not.
If the controller is not locked, access to the user application will be allowed, provided the
controller is not busy with another session. If the controller is locked, access to the user
application will fail. You need to upgrade to version 2 of the Connected Components
Workbench software.
Connected Components Workbench Software Version 2 with Micro800 Controller
Firmware Revision 1
Connected Components Workbench software version 2 is capable of “discovering” and
connecting to Micro800 controllers with firmware revision earlier than revision 2 (that is, not
supporting the Controller Password feature). However, the Controller Password feature will not
be available to these controllers. The user will not be able see interfaces associated with the
Controller Password feature in the Connected Components Workbench software session.
Users are advised to upgrade the firmware. See
Flash Upgrade Your Micro800 Firmware on
for instructions.
2080-MEMBAK-RTC is not supported on Micro850 (2080-L50E) and
Micro870 controllers.
For instructions on how to set, change, and clear controller passwords,