Rockler Coffee Scoop Hardware Kit Assembly Instructions Download Page 1

Coffee Scoop Hardware Kit

Assembly Instructions

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Turning Tools

Spindle roughing gouge, skew chisel, detail spindle gouge, 

possibly a parting tool. 

Drill Bit

1/4" brad point or regular twist bit. You will be drilling 1/2" deep.


Depending on how you hold and drill the piece, you may need a 

scroll-type chuck for your head stock and a Jacob’s style chuck for 

your tail stock.


An oil and varnish blend such as Rockler’s Nordic Oil would look 

great for a handle like this. For a higher sheen finish and extra 

protection use a wiping type polyurethane or gel varnish.

Drilling the Blank

There are a couple of different ways to drill the blank. Some wood 

turners would prefer to pre-drill the hole then, using either a cone 

live center or a simple “cork” shaped block of wood in the hole 

before turning the handle. This pre-drilling can be done on a drill 

press (making sure it is straight) or on a lathe using a scroll chuck 

and a Jacob’s style chuck drilling from the tailstock.


Approximately 1" x 1" x 6" of a wood species of your choice. It all 

depends on the overall finished length you want your handle to be. 

Give yourself an additional 1” for cutting off the lathe.

Turning the Handle

1.  Mount the block of wood between centers on your lathe. Plan 

on placing the 1/4" hole end on the tailstock side.

2.  Round the square into a cylindrical shape.

3.  Now it’s time to use your creativity and turn your handle 


to a unique shape.

4.  Completely sand the piece starting with a coarse grit, 


working your way up in increments of 120 grit, 180 grit, 


240 grit etc. The higher you go, the fewer scratches you’ll 


have and a smoother finish.

5.  Reduce the diameter on the waste side and finish by 


either parting it off completely with a parting tool or by 


cutting the handle from the waste with a small handsaw 


while the lathe is stopped.

6.  Finish off the end by hand sanding.

7.  Before gluing, use a coarse sandpaper to roughen the 


surface of the 1/4" stem. You can use either epoxy or CA 


glue to attach the handle.

Distributed by Rockler Companies Inc. 

©2017 Rockler Woodworking and Hardware


Rev 04/17
